The Keeping it Human Improvised Marketing Show

The Keeping it Human Improvised Marketing Show

How to Create Compelling Marketing Content - with Jason Miller of LinkedIn

July 31, 2014

I am Kathy Klotz-Guest, founder of Keeping it Human, coming to you live from San Jose, CA, in Silicon Valley. This show airs Thursdays at 3:30 PM PDT.  We help marketing executives and their teams tell their most important company, product and customer stories to the world. We are a jargon-monoxide-poisoning free zone. Leave a comment on the blog.

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Compelling Content

90% of companies report that content marketing is a priority. How do you ensure that you have compelling content and the right types of content?

Join us Thursday, July 31st, for a great chat with the one and only, Jason Miller of LinkedIn. Follow Jason.


About Jason Miller

Jason leads global content and social initiatives for LinkedIn Marketing Solutions helping marketers understand how to use LinkedIn to achieve their marketing goals and deliver ROI. Previously he was the senior manager of social media strategy at Marketo and responsible for leading the company's content and social media efforts. Before entering the B2B space, he spent ten years at Sony developing and executing marketing campaigns around the biggest names in music. When he is not building campaigns, creating remarkable content, and tracking socia ROIl, he is winning awards as a concert photographer, singing 80’s metal karaoke, and winning at Seinfeld trivia. Jason is a frequent contributor to Content Marketing Institute, Social Media Examiner, Marketing Profs, Copyblogger, and has presented at numerous industry conference including Dreamforce, Social Media Marketing World , Social Fresh, and more.
