JW's Financial Coaching Podcast

JW's Financial Coaching Podcast

Lesson #128-How Fear inhibits our ability to win with money

November 13, 2016

The biggest inhibitor to winning with money is fear
How we saw this manifest in the election this week
How to discern between real fear and worry
Why fear shouldn't drive our financial decisions
Quote of the lesson from Zig Ziglar

On today’s special lesson of the show, I do an impromptu discussion on how fear is one of the biggest inhibitors of achieving financial success.
Today’s discussion was spurred on by the event’s this past week revolving around our election on Tuesday. When it became clear that Donald Trump was heading towards getting the magical 270 electoral votes needed the stock market futures, not the real stock market, dropped more than 750 points.
Of course then the next day on Wednesday the real stock market closed at an all time high. But it got me thinking to how fear drives so many of our financial decisions. Not just because of an election result but fear in our every day life.
A couple of things that we discuss today on fear and our money include

Stock Market
Credit Cards
Starting a budget
Changing careers

We’re all going to face fear at some point, it’s natural. But how do we differentiate between true fear and worrying about the worst case scenario? To me it is use judgement and test that fear. Am I afraid because I read something on Facebook or because I’ve thought it all the way through? Anytime I hear about the total collapse of _______ (Fill in the blank) I get skeptical. But I’ve realized personally that if I am doing something different to change my finances and I have some fear, the more I do that thing and get comfortable with it, the more the fear goes away.
My challenge to you today is to think about if there is any fear that you are facing that is holding you back financially?
If so why do you have the fear?
What is it preventing you from doing it?
What would be the positive result of you doing the action?
Below are resources mentioned in the show to help remove the fear from making changes with your finances:

Free Financial Resources for Budgeting
Life is going to happen, so let it happen with an emergency fund
The most important thing to remember about investing

Today's quote of the lesson is brought to you by Audible.com

“F-E-A-R has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours” ~ Zig Ziglar

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