JW's Financial Coaching Podcast

JW's Financial Coaching Podcast

JW’s Financial Coaching Podcast Lesson #100-100 money thoughts from 100 lessons of the show

March 27, 2016

Different format to the show todaySharing my thoughts from doing 100 lessons of the showDoing the podcast has taught me a lot about moneyHow you can help show your support for the showHow you can buy a copy of "A Tale of Two Houses"

the 100th lesson of the JW's Financial Coaching Podcast, we're going to
do something different. I'm sharing 100 different money thoughts I've
learned since I started the show.
If you have been a listener to
the show for a long period of time you know that there have been more
than 100 lessons of the show. I originally started the show back in 2010
and only started to number the lessons in 2012.
Either way for
today I started out by coming up 100 short thoughts I have come to
believe while doing the show. These 100 then were grouped in 14
different categories.  They are:Money is . . .DebtOwning a homeGivingBudgetingSpendingJoint FinancesInvestingSavingCredit ScoresEducationTaxesEmergency FundPodcastingHopefully
you enjoy the show, I'd love to hear feedback on whether or not you
enjoyed it. Ultimately thought I couldn't do it without you. I know I
always say that, but I say it because it is true. Thank you for being a
listener to the show, I am excited to share with you some big things I
have for the show later on this year.
Also "A Tale of Two
Houses-Our journey of buying a home the right way after buying one the
wrong way" is now available for pre-sale. The book releases April 12th
but order now to get the lowest price you'll find it and receive two exclusive bonuses for pre-ordering the book.
Enjoyed this lesson? If so, please consider taking a few minutes to leave a review of the show either in Stitcher SmartRadio, or iTunes. For a step by step video of how that works, please watch this video on how to leave a review in iTunes.
You can subscribe to future podcasts through Stitcher SmartRadio or iTunes, or by downloading the iPhone app. Or you may listen to the podcast on the JW's Financial Coaching Facebook Fan page.
