Just Think About It!

Just Think About It!

Latest Episodes

Episode 7: Unnecessary Phrases - “Needless To Say”
January 29, 2019

A quick look into understanding why the phrase “Needless To Say” would be used in every day conversation.

Episode 6: How much Money Do You Have?
January 28, 2019

An interesting insight into to what is mistakenly referred to as money.

Episode 5: How Many Days Are In A Year?
January 25, 2019

Another perspective on how many days are actually in a year.

Episode 4: How Many Minutes Are There In An Hour?
January 24, 2019

Another perspective on how many minutes are actually in one hour.

Episode 3: How Many Seconds Are There In A Minute?
January 23, 2019

Another perspective on how many seconds there actually are in a minute.

Just Think About It! Introduction & Zero Multiplied By Another Number Equals Zero?
January 22, 2019

The introduction just explains the purpose and format of the podcast. The second episode looks at zero in an interesting perspective.
