Just Me Being Me - No Apology

Just Me Being Me - No Apology

Leftover curry for breakfast.... a journey to radical living - with Lucy Aitkenread

July 13, 2020

I am so beyond stoked to have the crazy/amazing Lucy Aitkenread on the podcast this week as we continue our July Theme of - You Can Go Your Own Way.

So Lucy's bio describes her as 'Mama/writer/earthlover. Lives in a yurt etc' hahaha BUT Lucy is SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT. She is a total expander for me when it comes to questioning everything and creating an intentional life for her and her family

In this episode we chat about how Lucy left London come to NZ and set up her life in an off-the-grid Yurt in rural Waikato. We chat about how her upbringing shaped her and what the first small steps she took were to start REALLY diving deep into what kind of life felt aligned to her values.

Lucy also gives some great tips on finding your peeps and also talks about her synchronistic experience that lead her on the unschooling path with her two daughters, Ramona (9) & Juno (7).

If you would love to know more about Lucy's Spring Retreat that we metion at the end (and that i'm attending woop woop) called Dancing Forest Sisterhood click the link below for all the deets



Lucy also has an INCREDIBLE amount of amazing content on her website


And if you are interested at all in unschooling then Lou is also runninig her DISCO online course again in November so check out the website for more details or get in touch with her on her Instagram @lulasticblog
