Just Me Being Me - No Apology

Just Me Being Me - No Apology

You Can Go Your Own Way - Our Theme for July

July 06, 2020

Okay okay my friends we are gonna do things a bit differently around here for the rest of the year so WELCOME to the first monthly theme!


This month is all about getting super deep on what it means to question everything in our lives, from the smallest ways of being to the BIG decision and asking ourselves whether they really align with our true selves, or the lives we want to live.

In today's episode I am chatting about where I currently am on this journey and how hard i'm finding being my WHOLE self now that i'm back living close to my Mum & my home town.

I explain the pull i've been feeling to all of my old ways of being and how hard I believe it is to break free of our conditioning, from our childhoods, our families and the cultural conditioning, when we're surrounded by people who have an expectation of who we are and how we should act, based on their past experience.

A few examples I give are around my recent hmmmm moments around why I got married when I don't really believe in marriage. Or how it took me 29 years to question whether I really felt okay eating meat.

Thank you babes, as always but ESPECIALLY at the moment for sharing this journey with me. I would love love love to hear your feedback and come join me over on my Instagram @msmarnie_is_here as we delve into this theme even deeper over the coming month.
