Just Be Cousins

Just Be Cousins

Latest Episodes

177: 6 Retsy Boss
July 05, 2020

A 4th of July episode, recorded on the third, posted on the 5th. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that Cletus can blow off his own damn fingers if he wants to, etc.

176: Hogg Boss
June 28, 2020

One more from the can, so Joe can attend to his little one. Speaking of the opposite if “little one,” this episode definitely mentions Bill Hader.

175: Cropdustin’
June 26, 2020

We’re back! Sort of. This random episode features candles, nurses, Orlando Bloom, olfactory nerves, and hats, so many hats, so many there’s even enough hats for bands from Australia.

174: Fongs
June 17, 2020

Joe Newdad has already been poo’d upon and szszss-splattered. So instead of his bringing his sleep-deprived body to the mic, we’ll just post this one, from the can. About farts and songs. But not the ones Bill Hader tooted or sung.

173: Over Easy
June 06, 2020

Joe is now a dad. So here’s an episode we recorded earlier this year but never released. I have no idea what it’s about. Eggs, maybe. Or winning a fight against a dude in a coma. Definitely not about Bill Hader.

172: Biscuits is Biscuits
May 30, 2020

While we patiently wait for the JBC fam to grow by one, here’s an episode we recorded earlier in the year but never released. Not sure what it’s about, except that it has nothing to do with Bill Hader.

171: Frustration Boner
May 24, 2020

We use the c-word way too much in this one. Not the c-word that rhymes with what you do when you stalk prey. The c-word that rhymes with the dude who wrote “Tristia” back in the two-digit ADs.

170: Zip Ghost
May 16, 2020

This is a very kinky show. The kind you don’t take home to mother. Features Funtime Shaggs. We discuss thots. Thots never let your spirit down. They’re alright with me. Yeah.

169: Zombie Cat
May 10, 2020

What’s your opinion on Adele? We don’t care. Nor should you care about ours. Because we don’t have one. We do, but we don’t care that we do. Nor should you. Unless you do. Then don’t.

168: Bosco Funches
May 02, 2020

This one is all over the place. Speech impediments, meta-dreams, probiotic yogurt, cretins. Almost no Covid talk at all. Refreshing, right? Juliette Lewis, right?
