The JS Self-Care Mind Body & Soul Podcast

The JS Self-Care Mind Body & Soul Podcast

Signs You Are Not Taking Good Care Of Yourself (JSSELFCARE.ORG)

November 16, 2021

Self-Care is Important.

Self -Care should be at the top of your non-negotiable list 

Anyone can tell you to start taking better care of yourself, you and only you can start taking care of you. People can tell us all about the importance of self-care hell I can tell you all about taking care of yourself , but at the end of the day you have to believe that self-care is important you have to be the one to take care you. The very first step is  recognizing that you deserve to be cared for just as much as you care for others. 

So, the most important question to ask yourself is How do I take care of myself as well as I take care others. This is a real question I had to ask myself the same question and the answered scared the hell out of me. The reason it scared the living shit out of me is because I couldn’t answer the question, I literally thought Self-care was getting your hair and nails done and not to forget them good old massages. I used to always take a picture of me at the salon and I would say I’m getting my self-Care on not knowing that was self-maintenance and self-soothing. I now know that self-care is literally taking care of yourself from the inside mentally to the outside not from the outside to the inside. I now know that self-care is not limited self-care is limitless. So, I ask you to sit with your thoughts and Ask Yourself How do I take care of me.  
