The JPost Podcast

The JPost Podcast

Latest Episodes

Interview with Rabbi Silverman: Is Israel repeating the mistakes of Pharaoh?
April 09, 2015

As Passover winds down, reform rabbi Susan Silverman discusses the messages that can be taken from the Passover story and how they can be applied ...

How Obama’s ‘tantrum’ will affect settlement policy
March 26, 2015

US President Barack Obama has brushed aside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s attempts to walk back pre-election comments ruling out a two-state solution and promising to build settlements. Deputy Managing ...

Bonus: Israel’s elections and the Iran deal
March 24, 2015

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu won a resounding reelection last week, but has lost some his political capital internationally during the campaign. Chief diplomatic correspondent Herb Keinon ...

Was Netanyahu’s two-state reversal worth it?
March 19, 2015

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu won a surprise landslide in this week's elections. Knesset Reporter Lahav Harkov explains how it happened and it what it means ...

Was Netanyahu’s two-state reversal worth it?
March 19, 2015

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu won a surprise landslide in this week's elections. Knesset Reporter Lahav Harkov explains how it happened and it what it means ...

What surprises to expect in next week’s election
March 12, 2015

As the Israeli elections are fast approaching, on this week's podcast we have with us the Jerusalem Post's chief political correspondent Gil Hoffman and Knesset ...
