The JPost Podcast

The JPost Podcast

In Trump Vodka’s strange, Israeli afterlife, a kashrut scandal

April 07, 2016

Over the years, Donald Trump has made an industry of licensing his name to a variety of products, products over which he had no control. Basically, Trump would find a company that already made something and, for a fee or cut of the profits, slap his name on the package.
One of those products, Trump Vodka, went out of circulation in 2011 in the US. But the product has had a strange afterlife in Israel. A deal with a local importer, H. Pixel, led to the manufacture and distribution of Trump Vodka in Israel. This time around, however, the vodka was made Kosher for Passover.
The product was a hit for observant Jews who still wanted to enjoy spirits over the holiday. For many liquor suppliers who only stock it around the holiday, Trump Vodka is synonymous with Kashrut.
But as the JPost Podcast has uncovered, many of the bottles currently on the shelves are, in fact, not Kosher for Passover.
Last year, Kosher certifiers discovered that bottles labeled 2013 were not made with fully Kosher for Passover ingredients. The problem has since been fixed, but OK Kosher Certifications warns consumers that if they are buying Trump Vodka labeled 2013 or later, they should check that it has a hologram sticker attached to it. Otherwise, even the ones that have a non-hologram sticker reading “Kosher For Passover”—many of which are still on shelves—are not, in fact, Kosher.
