The Joy The Baker Podcast

The Joy The Baker Podcast

It’s Been a Bit

August 15, 2013

Hello friends!  We’re all up in this August like it ain’t no thang!

It’s Tracy’s birthday month!  That means it’s a good good month.  Anthropologie dresses and cocktails and greeting cards and surprises!

On this episode we’re talking about pop culture.  We have been unwinding from some busy days with good, old-fashioned vegging out in front of the television.  Yea.  Guilty.

It turns out that talking about our favorite television shows is just as much fun as watching them.  Yes!

Current obsessions include:


It’s worth staying up to 2AM for.


Tracy uses Parenthood as a replacement to Six Feet Under.

Doe she really just want to have Peter Krause apart of her life? YES.



Breaking Bad is starting it’s final season this weekend!  Oh noooo….  it’s going to get dark.

Have you heard of a new show on Bravo called Eat Drink Love?  Oooh boy.  LAweekly has some strong words about it.

Oh!  And while we’re talking about television:  Difficult Women - How Sex and the City lost its good name

And we’re totally going to talk about poetry for a minute.  Tracy is distracted by its form.  She has a list brain.  Have you read The Rape Joke?   People are saying its the best poem of 2013.  It’s difficult and powerful.  For real.

Is it weird if we talk about popcorn now?

If you’re looking to shake up your popcorn routine, try Tracy’s Toasted Coconut Popcorn.toastedcoconutpopcornHere’s the dill pickle seasoning Tracy (not so) secretly eats directly from the container.Tangy Dill Pickle Popcorn Seasoningdill


Also… Billy of Wit and Vinegar totally sings us a song.  Mariah Carey.  Acapella.  Boy is BRAVE!

We thank you for listening!  We’re so glad you’re here!

