The Joy The Baker Podcast

The Joy The Baker Podcast


July 06, 2013

Welcome to episode ONE HUNDRED. We made it!!!! Triple digits, baby.

On our hundredth podcast, we talk about COMPLIMENTS. First off, we just want to say that you’re so good at listening to us. Like REALLY good. You should be proud!  Second, THANK YOU and we love your hair!

So, how does one take a compliment? Gracefully. The key is to say thank you and own it/mean it. Don’t be skeptical because you deserve it. Tracy is skeptical and Joy might be a fishing for a compliment.

Tracy turns to the internet for help on compliments. Complimentary advice on the internet. Who would have thought?

We’re totally going to Couch to 5k… and we’re actually going to 5k!  Get into it!!
Are we crazy enough to Color Run?  Only if the colors are correct.

image source credit

And because this is our 100th podcast,  let’s take a walk down memory lane shall we? We are 100 deep. How did we get that far?

First up. Theme song. Michael arranged this. It was EPIC.

The Joy the Baker Podcast has a song!

Mos Def Debacle. We’re still talking about it!

FRIENDSHIP!!! It’s real. It takes work. We show you how!

T-FLO. This situation proved that twitter can get things going!

What do you eat during a Road Trip?  Chex Mix & Strawberry Cheesecakes!

We took the show on the road! There was Hawaii!  New Orleans! Mexico! Tahoe!

Scrolling & Judging. Cat Pun CENTRAL.

BLAZER NATION. Thank you for being apart of it. We’re all looking extra business-y and it’s AWESOME.

Need to have an awkward Conversation with your Boss/Boyfriend/Hair Stylist. We (can sorta) help with AWKWARD Conversations.

Many of you started your own Fried Diets with your best friends. Best diet ever!!! Until you text a picture of cheesecake…it goes downhill quick.

Tracy came up with the term Boozy Susan and now she’s a household name.

RED FLAG? Bing!  Red Flag Part Deux?!! BING BING BING

Hyper-color, Mood Rings & Blossom Hats? We Are Not the Cool Kids.

Remember when we had Deb from Smitten Kitchen join us? That was rad.

Raise your hand if you made a drinking game out of our YOLO episode. A drink every time you hear one of us say YOLO.

Speaking of words we repeat constantly. SHUCK IT. Puns involve shucking!

Jepper Depper DO you say that because of our podcast? I thought so.

Bourbon Town, Embrace Your Inner Hippy,  are all some of our favorites. The PROOF is in the podcast!

Would You Rather….listen to another podcast? Maybe, but  God’s Gold…I mean… that’s where it all began!

100 podcasts strong….AND GROWING. Because of YOU. We loved meeting you on Joy’s Book Tour! You’re so well dressed.

book tour 2

We appreciate the heck out of you and don’t be skeptical about compliments.


