The Joy The Baker Podcast

The Joy The Baker Podcast

Ir-RASH-ional Fears

October 24, 2013

Hello friends!

We’re back and we’re talking atcha!  Joy has been on the road, but she’s back and ready to cast.

Today we’re talking about IRRATIONAL FEARS of which we have many… like, too many.  Like… Tracy made a list and it freaked us both out.  Our fears begin with a rash and end in murder.  Yea.. we’re in deep.  Cry for help?  Maybe.

Do you love Lana Del Rey as much as we do?  We wish you would.

Photo Credit: Daniel Cronin/Huffington Post

It’s amazing how easily a conversation can lead into  juggalos.  I mean… really.   In other news, what are you going to be for Halloween?  Lacy Minnie Mouse?  That wouldn’t be the worst thing.

(images by HonestlyWTF)


Oh hey… remember that one time Jeff proposed to Nicole on the podcast!?  Yea… that was AMAZING!

Well, those two crazy kids got married!  Their sweet video here!  Love is real.  No big deal.
