The Joy The Baker Podcast

The Joy The Baker Podcast


September 12, 2013

Hello friends!

We made you a spicy little podcast!  In this episode, Tracy and I talk about blogging.  Boy oh boy, the Internet sure has picked up the pace.  Tracy talks about a caffeine induced shame-game, and we talk about traffic, popularity, and sponsored posts.  Transparency.  It’s a big deal.

There’s a great article in the New York Times about pop culture and popularity.  What It Means To Be Popular (When Everything Is Popular).  So interesting!

 I’m going to be Pinterest for Halloween.  Tracy is going to be Ryan Gosling from Lars and The Real Girl.  This makes so much sense.  Like… the most sense ever.  Tracy is going to need a Real Doll.  If she brings it to my next book signing, I’m going to lose it.


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Oh Gosh.

Baked Espresso Glazed Doughnuts  will take the blame for Tracy’s weirdness. I guess….

Thank you for joining us for another podcast!  It really means so much to us!  Have a great weekend, friends!

