John Bartolo Show

John Bartolo Show

Latest Episodes

Fitness and Nutrition
February 25, 2019

Episode 23 Fitness and Nutrition!   Visit John: @John_Bartolo

Donald Trump and The Wall
February 25, 2019

Episode 22 Donald Trump and The Wall. Recap of the week!   Visit John: @John_Bartolo

Bench made Knives & Jussie Smollett
February 21, 2019

Episode 21 Benchmade Knives & Jussie Smollett Discussing all the controversies around the internet!   Visit John: @John_Bartolo

Bugout Bags and Prepping
February 21, 2019

Episode 21 "Bugout bags and Prepping, Preppers" (Comedy)   Visit John: @John_Bartolo

Jussie Smollett Part 2
February 21, 2019

Episode 20 Jussie Smollett part 2 and giving away a Condition1 cases. The alleged hate crime and potential false accusations.   Visit John: @John_Bartolo

Jussie Smollett The Alleged Hate Crime and Potential False Accusations
February 21, 2019

Episode 19 Jussie Smollett The alleged hate crime and potential false accusations. Jussie Smollett was accusing his anti trump attackers of a hate crime and as of Feb. 18, 2019 he has now seen those accusations turn towards as him as a way to gain public.

How To Become Successfully Sponsored
February 20, 2019

Episode 18 How to become successfully sponsored! We dive into the topics of being sponsored featuring commentary from multiple marketing managers and folks around the industry!   Visit John: @John_Bartolo

How to Start a Succesful Youtube Channel
February 20, 2019

Episode 18 How to Start a Succesful YouTube Channel!   Visit John: @John_Bartolo

Frozen 2 / The AB Chick Steph Sequeira IFBB Bikini Pro
February 13, 2019

Frozen 2 / The AB Chick Steph Sequeira|IFBB Bikini Pro stopped by to say hi!   Visit John: @John_Bartolo

Recap YouTube and Viral Content
February 13, 2019

Recap. Bravo Concealment Holsters stopped by to talk Youtube and Viral content! 221B Tactical stopped by.   Visit John: @John_Bartolo
