John Bartolo Show

John Bartolo Show

Antonia Okafor - Gun Owners of America

March 31, 2021

Antonia Okafor is a spokesperson for Gun Owners of America, She stops in to discuss the gun industry and many of the challenges she faces navigating the industry. Antonia and I have a great discussion about industry leaders and some of the failures of the business.
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Antonia Okafor in conversation with John Bartolo
John and Antonia Okafor, Spokesperson of GOA, have an interesting conversation about feminism, self-defense, campus-carry movement, the difference between the Left and the Right-wing-thinking, being pro-guns as an African-American woman, the cancel culture, passive racism, the woke culture, Hollywood movies and many other thought-provoking topics.
John thanks you for listening, and encourages you to share with your network. John requests you to leave a review in any of the platforms where the podcasts are available.
Time Stamps
2:10—John starts the show by thanking the sponsors. He welcomes Antonia Okafor, Spokesperson for Gun Owners of America (GOA).
4:10—Antonia gives us an account of how she got into the gun community. From college feminism to the realization of the need for empowering women and self-defense.
10:17—Antonia speaks about being an African-American woman and the need for use of a gun for self-defense.
12:38—They talk about the campus-carry movement and the constitutional-carry movement.
27:31—They discuss the meaning of the word “inclusive” and what it means to them.
35:20—John talks about the Left being cagey about the laws they want to go after. 
37:25—John asks Antonia what makes GOA different. Antonia stresses on the “no compromise” policy of the GOA.
43:52—Antonia talks about the blocks people have in their minds about guns and what can change these blocks.
47:19—They discuss the cancel culture and its non-relevance. They joke about Captain Underpants. It is under attack due to the pandemic and Asian hate. They talk about passive racism.
55:12—John asks Antonia what she would do for the industry if she had all the money in the world. She says that she would fund the people who believed in something that was not mainstream, to do their own thing in this industry.
1:00—Antonia talks about the concepts of fear and freedom. She feels that people can see the authenticity of people who are trying to do the right thing.
1:03—Antonia talks about woke culture. John talks about the Hollywood narratives and how guns are there in every movie and how easy it is to bring drama into a movie just by introducing a gun.
1:07—John ends by thanking Antonia for coming on the show and he thanks the sponsors once again.   
Key Quotes
29:11—On Inclusion— “At least vet the topic and vet the person in relation to the topic.” John Bartolo
32:59— “On my death bed, if I have empowered more women, or even helped one woman to be able to get out of a situation or not even be in a situation in the first place where she is going to be a survivor--I don’t want anymore survivors, I don’t want people to go through these things that I went through…If I reach that goal on my death bed, then I am happy.” Antonia Okafor
37:13-- “The more I have stayed in my lane, the more I have been able to learn, and the more I can empower other people with my knowledge, instead of trying to act like I know everything.” Antonia Okafor
1:00-- “Fear and freedom is such a big thing and it has so many facets to it.” Antonia Okafor
1:01— “The first one through always takes the hits.” John Bartolo
1:01--“It doesn’t pay to be right. It pays to be first.” John Bartolo
