JLPT Stories

JLPT Stories

Latest Episodes

The Voice of Yumiko
September 23, 2019

The voice of Yumiko, presented to you as a mid-week treat.

はじめての塾 – JLPT N5
September 21, 2019

Yuumas packed schedule includes evening cram school, where many Japanese kids spend extra time studying. On his first day, he runs into someone familiar.

あっという間の2週間- JLPT N1
September 14, 2019

Rika spends two weeks in a small village and is changed forever.

ネイルサロンでしてくれること – JLPT N3 Bonus Lesson
September 07, 2019

Starting this season, Patreon patrons giving at least a dollar per month get a supplementary lesson along with episode. Here is a full free episode of what the Patreon feed will include. Enjoy!

ネイルサロンでしてくれること – JLPT N3
September 07, 2019

In our Season 2 kickoff, Ayano goes back to the nail salon. How will things go this time? Also, watch for a sample of our new Patreon feed, with a supplemental lesson.

Season Two Kickoff & Ayano
September 06, 2019

Thanks for you patience, all. We are excited to start our new season with Ayano and an N3 podcast which brings her back to the nail salon where she had

Countdown to Season 2 – I
August 16, 2019

While we get everything rolling, I wanted to give listeners something a bit different. Here is a brief hello and words of wisdom from Ririko. Editing her recordings makes me

水泳 – JLPT N5
June 08, 2019

Yuuma talks about his favorite sport and his dad.

尊敬する写真家 – JLPT N1
June 01, 2019

Rika unexpectedly runs into one of her idols.

昼ごはん – JLPT N5
May 25, 2019

In this N5 podcast, Yuuma is talking lunch.
