Jesus 120

Jesus 120

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The Bible 20/20 - Week 10: “Claiming New Land”
March 15, 2020

This past week we read through the Book of Joshua and on Sunday we took a look at Caleb's life. Discussion Questions: 1. Can you think if a time in your life when God fulfilled a promise you had waited along time for? 2. Is there a current promise y

The Bible 20/20 - Week 9: "Choose Life"
March 08, 2020

As Moses neared the end of his life, he challenged the people of Israel to look ahead to their time in the promised land and to look up by trusting God and the promises He made to them. Moses began His adventure with God crippled by fear, but as his life

The Bible 20/20 - Week 8: "Run your Race"
March 01, 2020

We are all on our own personal journeys of faith, and often we forget that we are a part of a bigger picture of God’s plans. In the beginning of Deuteronomy, we learn about Moses’ time as the leader of Israel coming to an end. His journey with these peopl

The Bible 20/20 - Week 7: "Courageous Faith"
February 23, 2020

The Israelites had been promised a land over flowing with milk and honey, and it was time for them to send spies into the land to prepare to take it, but when the report came back, all but two of the spies did not believe they would be able to secure God’

State of the Church
February 16, 2020

This week Pastor Jake gave a State of the Church update. It was a time of reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the things that God is bringing for GCK in 2020. Bible Reading questions/discussion prompts: 1. Have a member of the group summ

The Bible 20/20 - Week 5: "Called Out"
February 09, 2020

God is holy. We say that a lot, but do we really grasp the meaning? His holiness means that He is set apart and unique; He is unlike any other. God’s holiness deserves perfect holiness in return, but we are unclean because of our sinful nature and the pre

The Bible 20/20 - Week 4: "Birth of a Nation"
February 02, 2020

At first glance, the story of the Israelites in the desert can feel distant and difficult to relate to our current situations, but if we take a step back, we can see that the issues that the Israelites struggled with are still pervasive in our culture. H

The Bible 20/20 - Week 3: "Moses and the Exodus"
January 26, 2020

We had the privilege of hearing from our dear friend Pastor Dave Buehring this week as he explored the life of Moses and the story of the Exodus. God is constantly revealing His character to us, with a heart to turn us towards Him and bring redemption. As

The Bible 20/20 - Week 2: "Abraham's Family"
January 19, 2020

Through Abraham and his family, we see God working to pour out blessing on the entire human family. While we continually fall short in our journey of faith, God’s faithfulness toward us remains steadfast. In Genesis 15 we see a picture of how committed Go

The Bible 20/20 - Week 1: "Noah and the Flood"
January 12, 2020

While the story of Noah and the ark is familiar to most people, it is easy to forget the magnitude of its implications. God, in His perfect love for mankind, couldn’t bear to allow His creation to continue to destroy itself. The flood is a hard story, but
