The Tisch with Rabbi Michael Knopf

The Tisch with Rabbi Michael Knopf

Latest Episodes

Live Long and Prosper
March 06, 2015

Rabbi Knopf’s Friday message for Parashat Tetzaveh (February 27, 2014): Giving blessings is a spiritual practice that can change your life. Here’s how to do it, with a little guidance from Star Trek’s Mr. Spock.  

Raising a Mensch: From Birth to Bar/Bat Mitzvah (Part One)
March 05, 2015

In part one of his latest “Essentials of Judaism” class, Rabbi Knopf teaches about the beginning of the Jewish life cycle.

Fair Trade
February 26, 2015

Rabbi Knopf’s Friday message for Parashat Terumah (February 20, 2014): Our interconnected world means our actions impact people everywhere, and thus we have a responsibility to ensure our purchasing decisions do no harm.  

God’s Dwelling Place
February 20, 2015

Rabbi Knopf’s Saturday message for Parashat Mishpatim (February 14, 2015): In the first sermon of the series “Prepare Me to be a Sanctuary,” Rabbi Knopf explores how the pursuit of justice enables God’s presence in our world. &#160

Passover - The Jewish Master Story (Part 2)
January 01, 2015

In part two of his latest “Essentials of Judaism” class, Rabbi Knopf illuminates the meaning and practices of the essential Jewish holiday of Passover.

How Can I Stand Before Our Father in 2015?
December 31, 2014

Rabbi Knopf’s Saturday message for Parashat Va-Yiggash (December 27, 2014): Reviewing the past year from the perspective of Torah.  

Perfect Imperfection
December 29, 2014

Rabbi Knopf’s Friday message for Parashat Va-Yiggash (December 26, 2014): How to not let the perfect be the enemy of the good in our lives  

Passover - The Jewish Master Story (Part 1)
December 25, 2014

In part one of his latest “Essentials of Judaism” class, Rabbi Knopf illuminates the meaning and practices of the essential Jewish holiday of Passover.

Please Support
December 24, 2014

In this episode of The JCast Journey, host Darone Ruskay thanks all of you who contributed in response to his previous podcast asking for support, and so as we celebrate the final day of Chanukah, and prepare for the New Year, we ask you one more time to

Parenting from the Inside Out
December 19, 2014

Rabbi Knopf’s Friday message for Parashat Va-Yeshev (December 12, 2014): The way to become better parents (and better everything) is to learn about and improve ourselves.  
