The Tisch with Rabbi Michael Knopf

The Tisch with Rabbi Michael Knopf

Latest Episodes

Show, Don’t Tell
September 02, 2015

Rabbi Knopf’s Friday message for Parashat Ki Tetzei (August 28, 2015). When you want to encourage someone to behave a certain way, it’s important to lead by example.    

Essentials 2.0: Kashrut Laws & Applications (Part Three A)
August 31, 2015

Ever wanted to learn more about why’s and how’s of the Jewish laws of cooking, eating, and kitchen supervision? Join Rabbi Knopf for part one of his third session, providing a deep dive into the world of Kashrut!

Fake It Till You Make It
August 24, 2015

Rabbi Knopf’s Friday message for Parashat Re’eh (August 14, 2015). Most of us don’t live religious lives because we don’t believe in a commanding God. But what if we had the equation backwards?  

Israel – Loyal Opposition
August 23, 2015

Rabbi Knopf’s Saturday message for Parashat Re’eh (August 15, 2015). Not only is loving criticism of Israel kosher, it’s commanded.  

Five Phenomenal Friendships: Rabbi Yohanan and Reish Lakish
August 20, 2015

In the third class of a series on Jewish relationship wisdom, Rabbi Knopf introduces us to a beautiful scholar and his best friend, a reformed bandit.

Israel – The Fragile Miracle
August 19, 2015

Rabbi Knopf’s Saturday message for Parashat Eikev (August 8, 2015). Why we dare not take Israel for granted.  

How Prayer Works
August 17, 2015

Rabbi Knopf’s Friday message for Parashat Eikev (August 7, 2015). Most of us know that prayer doesn’t save us, but here’s how prayer makes us worth saving.

Five Phenomenal Friendships: Elisha ben Abuyah and Rabbi Meir
August 13, 2015

In the first class of a series on Jewish relationship wisdom, Rabbi Knopf introduces us to a heretic and his best friend, a rabbi.

Israel – Why It Matters
August 12, 2015

Rabbi Knopf’s Saturday message for Parashat Va-Et’hanan (August 1, 2015). The Jewish culture made possible only through statehood benefits us all.  

The Fools of Prophecy
August 10, 2015

Rabbi Knopf’s Friday message for Parashat Va-Et’hanan (July 31, 2015). As the Jewish community debates the Iran deal, we must remember that no one can predict the future.  
