Its All About Women!

Its All About Women!

What Women Want to Talk About: Episode 33 - How to End the Struggle to Find a Deeper Sense of Self & Soul Purpose

December 11, 2013

In this episode of What Women Want to Talk About…

Lynn Moore and host Kelly Orchard discuss how mid-life women can end the struggle to find a deeper sense of self and soul purpose.

Discover how you can know who you are, what you want and how to go and get it, including:

  • Why doesn’t goal setting work for me?
  • Why do I feel like I’m setting myself up for failure when I set a goal?
  • How do I know if a goal is right for me?

About the Expert:

Lynn Moore is an Intuitive Coach/Mentor who stands for women in the second half of life in never giving up on learning who they are, what they want and how to go and get it.

Lynn is the creator of Inspirational Goaling (in-spirit direction) that teaches the aged 40 and beyond woman, WHO you are, WHAT you want and HOW to go and get it so you can live the rest of your life with crystal clear clarity and a fulfilled heart.

You can enjoy a download of her amazing Inspirational Goaling eBook and learn more about Lynn and her contributions to women worldwide at

About the Host:

Kelly Orchard is a cracker jack change agent, business consultant, author, motivational public speaker, coach, marketing professional and Co-Host for It’s All About Women.

After more than 30 years in broadcasting and sales and marketing, a serious health crisis and life-derailing event served as the catalyst for Kelly to make a major career change. Kelly obtained her Master’s degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy.

Kelly uses her business and marketing skills and education in mental health to provide insight, guidance and coaching through workshops, articles and blogs. Learn more about Kelly.

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