It's Cool, But It Sucks.

It's Cool, But It Sucks.

Episode 17: Space Battles!

December 22, 2015

Hey everyone! Welcome back for the last podcast of the year. We went long to tide you over until we come back in 2016. In short: The Force Awakens came out and we saw it. In this podcast we talk about it. A lot. In great detail. If you haven't seen it, don't listen to this podcast. Go give Disney more money and see it. Then come back and listen to this podcast.

On top of our lengthy Star Wars discussion, Dana gives us her top movies of 2015, which sparks some spirited debate. All in all, it's been a great year, and we're excited that we've been able to attract some great listeners. We're also excited to see where this dumb thing goes next year, so we hope you come back and check us out in 2016.
