It Aint Weak to Speak with Sam Webb

It Aint Weak to Speak with Sam Webb

#33 Dominick Quartuccio Speaks On How To Stop Drifting

November 28, 2020

From the outside, Dominick Quartuccio had it all.  The corner office overlooking Times Square in New York City, a high powered successful career overseeing a team with a $1.4 billion dollar sales goal. Opportunity was at his fingertips and yet on the inside, his personal life was crumbling. In this episode, Dominick shares on an extremely personal level about how his life started drifting and the wake up moment that led to him hitting rock bottom and spending 4 years in sex addicts anonymous. In this episode, Dominick explains the concept of drifting, why it’s so pervasive and what we can do to stop heading down a path we don’t consciously choose.  Dominick shares his three steps of Awaken, Disrupt and Design and how these processes help us become self aware, leading to the creation of healthy thought patterns, habits and relationships.

Please rate and review the podcast if you enjoyed it. Much Love, SW.

For the full show notes and to learn more, head to

@livinorg @dominickq #itaintweaktospeak.

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