In the FICC of It

In the FICC of It

In the FICC of It

September 12, 2020

There’s a slightly different feel to this week’s podcast as Colin Lambert is, not for the first time, given an education in the workings of Profit & Loss! With Forex Network Chicago nearly upon us, Michelle Hemstedt, commercial director at P&L, joins Lambert to explain how our virtual event is going to work, including an explanation of the virtual booths in the virtual exhibition hall.

Fresh from understanding how we are putting the “Network” back into Forex Network, Lambert takes a look at three matters from the past week that have tweaked his curiosity. Is he right to see potential tensions building between buy and sell side if a recent report is right? Is the FX swaps market, finally, ripe for change? And what does the flight of risk capital from market making businesses mean for the FX industry. 

All questions are answered…almost…in this week’s In the FICC of It.
