The Instant Action Podcast

The Instant Action Podcast

IAP #240 – Twas the Night Before Auraximas

December 23, 2019

On this week’s show I started by talking about the fun I had invading Connery with Bushido Way on Saturday night. I hope more outfits get involved with things like that in the future. Then it was on to the Planetside 2 news with the Sparks & Snow game update for the both the PC and PS4 sides of the game. New toys for NSOs! After that I covered Wrel’s Dev Letter which teased what is coming in 2020 and it’s outfit related so get hyped. I finished this week by talking about Vindicore’s Planetside Upgrade Project website with his ideas in response to the Dev Letter. Merry Christmas everyone!

Show Links:

December 17th PC and December 18th PS4 Game Update – Spark & Snow

Dev Letter – Onward to 2020

Vindicore’s Planetside Upgrade Project
