The Instant Action Podcast

The Instant Action Podcast

IAP #239 – Walkin’ in a Winter Wonder-Lab

December 16, 2019

On this week’s show I started by talking about the, not completely surprising, death of Planetside Arena. Or was it Planetside: Battle Royale? After that it was back to Planetside 2 news with the December 11th Dev Live Stream that showed off some new NSO goodies and some new Sanctuary renders. Then it was back to back PTS Updates on the 12th and 13th as we gear up for the next Game Update on the 18th.

Show Links:

A Message From the Planetside Arena Development Team

December 11th Planetside 2 Dev Live Stream

December 12th Planetside 2 PTS Update

December 13th Planetside 2 PTS Update
