The Instant Action Podcast

The Instant Action Podcast

IAP #229 – Arena Changes I Actually Like

October 07, 2019

On this week’s show I started by talking about the Planetside Arena Early Access Update #2 that dropped on October 3rd with some changes to dynamic pain fields, chat options and more. After that I wanted to talk about Carto’s introduction on the Planetside Arena Reddit and how important that was along with the increase in response to Reddit posts by him and the rest of the Planetside Arena developers. Finally, I wanted to talk about a post I skipped last week, why there probably won’t be a Planetside 3 and how that makes me sad.

Show Links:

Planetside Arena Early Access Update #2: October 3rd

Little Intro – Carto Here – Lead Designer on Planetside Arena

Why There Probably Won’t Be A Planetside 3
