The Instant Action Podcast

The Instant Action Podcast

IAP #224 – Arena is Coming

September 02, 2019

On this week’s show I started by talking about all the Planetside Arena news that dropped on the 27th. We now know that early PC access starts on the 19th and that they have plans for new Classes, Vehicles and Game Modes. Get hyped! After that I switched back to Planetside 2 and talked about the August 28th PC Game Update which changed Aerial Anomalies, brought back Bounties plus much more. I finished this week by talking about the Playstation 4 Hotfix and then read some new listener e-mail.

Show Links:

Planetside Arena Development Letter

Planetside Arena Cinematic Trailer

August 28th PC Game Update – Dead or Alive

August 28th PS4 Hotfix
