Inspiring Lives with Jade Lee

Inspiring Lives with Jade Lee

Making a Mark and Leaving a Legacy (Ep4)

November 03, 2015

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In our desire to Make a Mark and Leave a Legacy we must understand that People who made a mark in history usually had some great leader or mentor that helped them get there.

In today's message we will discover the following:
• Being around people who have already made a mark is absolutely essential- Elijah had reached a placement of accomplishment, at this point GOD called him to go anoint Elisha in his stead.  Elisha responded very positively to this call from a national influencer. How will you respond to discipleship?
• Elijah was a disciple that makes disciples.  He was modeling that Elisha needed to make disciples.  Elisha would later become a discipler of his own disciples. The continuation of the disciple making process is instilled as a legacy.
• Elijah and Elisha are a modeling at a time where there is a lot of lack of modeling.  These are Characteristics that Disciples of Jesus Christ should carry in our current times.  This is why we must study disciples throughout the Bible.

• Throughout Church History we also see examples of discipleship:

Amy Charmichael had Hudson Taylor/Mary Geraldine Guinness as mentors or influencers; “Her example as a missionary inspired others (including Jim Elliot and his wife Elisabeth Elliot) to pursue a similar vocation.”

Mary Geraldine Guinness (25 December 1865 – 6 June 1949), often known as Mrs. Howard Taylor, was a British Protestant Christian missionary to China, and author of many missionary biographies on the history of the China Inland Mission (CIM). She was the daughter of the revivalist preacher and author Henry Grattan Guinness, a friend of James Hudson Taylor, founder of the CIM. She became Taylor's daughter-in-law when she married his son, fellow CIM missionary Frederick Howard Taylor. Henry Grattan Guinness D. D. (11 August 1835 – 21 June 1910) was an Irish Protestant Christian preacher, evangelist and author. He was the great evangelist of the Evangelical awakening and preached during the Ulster Revival of 1859 which drew thousands to hear him. He was responsible for training and sending hundreds of "faith missionaries" all over the world.

Anne Graham: Her father Nelson Bell influenced Billy Graham more than any other and inspired him to start to magazine now known as Christianity Today.
•The Importance of the Call into a Discipleship Relationship or Going to the Next Level in Discipleship.

I pray you learn from and enjoy this message, being inspired to find your much needed mentor so you can grow in every area of your life.
