Inspiring Lives with Jade Lee

Inspiring Lives with Jade Lee

How to Love Yourself Even When You Mess Up

October 12, 2015

Have you ever messed up so bad and done it so many times that you are tempted to not love yourself?  You can't figure out how you keep messing up in the same area over and over again.

Then the beat yourself up cycle begins.

All is well-->Here comes temptation-->The fall-->I can't believe I did this again-->I really can't believe I did this Again-->Hopelessness-->How do I get out of this-->Feelings of failure-->Somehow I forget about it and move on-->All is well?

How do you finally get Out of this demeaning and self destructive cycle?  I do not claim to have all of the answers but in a sense I do, not based on my own knowledge or even experience but based on GOD's Infinite Wisdom.

Listening to Him makes sense.  He has watched humanity struggle through these same feeling and patterns for thousands of years.  He Know How to Get Us Out.

This is the theological term, Redemption.

To be redeemed means to be brought back.  We have been purchased with the body and blood of Jesus Christ.  This may sound odd to some but imagining someone else loving you so much that they are willing to provide their own child on your behalf is stunning.  

It is a deeply moving act of love.

Their body, the blood that runs through their veins is given for you.  They are innocent but willingly die for your failures and shortcomings.

This is love.

When we think of the gospel perhaps we are tempted to limit ourselves to an initial John 3:16 Experience.  But we so desperately need the powerful working of the gospel to be activated in our daily lives.

The Gospel is the Good News that Jesus Christ died for us, He stood in proxy of us and became sin that we may be free.  Consider that horrible feeling of uncleaness occurring after or while you are sinning.

Now ponder never having known sin or the consequences of sin living inside of you, but you suddenly must become sin to free others.  This had to have been excruciatingly painful for Jesus (the object of perfection).

But not only did He die for our sins collectively, He died for each sin in our lives.  This is how we apply the power of the Gospel moment by moment.

The behaviors we cringe upon remembering such as cursing a loved one out, yelling at our dog, cutting a friend off, or looking at pornography- those same behaviors that spin us into guilt and condemnation have been completely forgiven by one paramount act of grace.

Jesus knew we would mess up so He died for each time we would fail.  He longs for us to get out of negative thought patterns by receiving His unconditional Love.
Hopelessness occurs when we forget the most important element in the midst of our failure- Jesus' Christ Full Acceptance, Forgiveness and Love.
Allow that fact to settle in, even after you sin day by day or moment by moment.

You are loved just as much when you fail as when you appear to be living victoriously.

We overcome as we see there is Someone Greater than our sin and His Strength to overcome our behaviors is working in U.S. and through us; it may not feel like it but we must receive this truth by faith.

There are certain areas I have failed in repeatedly, like being too short with loved ones or too quick to speak and slow to listen.  These actions are not only hurtful to others, they are harmful to myself.

I don't want to do them but find myself falling from time to time.  Then I have a choice, to wallow in condemnation and believe the lie that I am a hopeless cause, never to change or I can simply forgive.

Today I want to present to you a concept that revolutionized my life and way of thinking: What if GOD is requiring you to forgive yourself?

I know that is a strange requirement, but it is Biblical.  And, it is Beyond Freeing!

Meditate on the following truth to set your mind free:

If GOD is for me, how can I be against myself?  If GOD did not spare His own Son,
