Inspiring Lives with Jade Lee

Inspiring Lives with Jade Lee

How to Overcome Accusation and Go on the Offensive

September 28, 2015

There have been many instances in my life in which I have been faced by accusation, sometimes it is based off of truth other times it is partial truth and other times it is a full-blast lie but either way the problem with accusation is not always whether the statement is true; it is the spirit behind the statement.

Accusation does not only occur directly from Satan, as in Zechariah chapter three, but it can also come through other people. It can, in fact, be a very beguiling attack, slipped beneath the surface of a conversation, entering your heart surprisingly like a dagger.

Accusation is when another “find(s) a fault” or “blame(s)” you of something and it hurts the worst when the blame is based on truth. There is many times truth behind accusation, but the spirit of it is awry. The enemy does not want us to enjoy our lives, be confident in GOD or minister freely. This is one of his many weapons to push the church to a place of helplessness and defeat.
Accusation- to find at fault; blame. To bring formal charges against (of doing wrong, breaking the law). (Webster's College Dictionary, Fourth Edition)
Also functioning with accusation is Jezebel. Jezebel is the woman who caused the prophet Elijah to cower. To cower is to “shrink and tremble, as from someone’s anger, threats, or blows; cringe.”
We know we are being attacked by the enemy the same way when we are doing fine and then suddenly, seemingly out of no where we feel like “nothing.” We feel humiliation trying to cloak us like a covering, from head to toe. We literally feel like our spirit is shrinking and we are being hit emotionally by these threats or blows making us cringe.

But we can identify these attacks and the source of them through an examination of our thought-life. If we watch the types of thoughts we have been having and the feeling behind them we can discern and try every spirit by the Spirit to see if it is of GOD. The best way to test this is through the Word of GOD.

Whenever a thought, an experience, a dream, a feeling, an encounter is in direct opposition of the Scriptures, we can be sure it is Not from GOD, even if it contains some truth.
Remember, Satan was originally an angel in heaven and he can cause his self to appear with the angels in heaven. He can make his self look like he is coming on GOD’s behalf and this is one of the most difficult battles to fight.

When it seems so true and the experience feels so real, how do you know if GOD is the one leading the message or the enemy? Why is it that even when you know deeply this is not from GOD, you still question or believe some of the message?

It is because this is a spiritual war, not a natural war. We must learn to quickly cast down thoughts when they come from the enemy because anything that comes from him is meant for our detriment.
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10, KJV

When we realize there is an invisible enemy and he can be caught in action, we are on our way to victory. He wants to accomplish three goals, according to the above Scripture: 1. To Steal, 2. To Kill and 3. To Destroy. But Jesus eradicates his plan through giving us LIFE and LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY.

If we want our lives back, our abundance of life, we must learn to discern, cast down and refocus. Discern the plan of the enemy, cast down his lies and refocus on truth.

This is a daily choice and we must put on the weapons of our warfare if we want to win the battle.
Then he cannot steal our lives: our joy, peace, inheritance, happiness, relationships, peace of mind and health. He cannot kill our spirit, causing us to want to give up and quit, to sit cowered in fear or hopelessness. He cannot destroy our mandates or callings- we can fight this from occurring by resisting his lies and continuing in our assignment (even when discouragement through accusation tries to stop us).
