Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Reality Perception – ITEL – 11.23.20

January 10, 2021

Fully a month after the 2o20 Presidential Election, Jewish press organizations continue gaslighting Americans (and the world) with impunity.  What evolves is a population suffering from pervasive skewed reality perceptions.  People can see a male sexual mutant (transgender) competing with women, see the obvious unfairness of the entire charade, and yet still mutter and mumble to themselves, dumbfounded by the cognizant dissonance that resonates across their entire perception. This whole idea rings true as we watch so many American’s reactions to such things as a largely non-existent Covid scam orRead More The post Reality Perception – ITEL – 11.23.20 first appeared on Inside the Eye - Live!.
