Inside the Eye - Live!

Inside the Eye - Live!

Legacy Media – A Corrupt Pillar of Treason – ITEL PT – 11.12.20

December 25, 2020

What we have known since time immemorial is that Jewish media, aka “legacy media”, or the “MSM”, is a reeking pillar of corruption and treason.  Calling the media “fake news” is an understatement.  Media has become an instrument of treason and calculated warfare on the public. Lies, omission of facts, willful suppression of relevant information, and gaslighting are all just and MO for Jewish media. We no longer live in a world where we can expect media to honestly report and inform.  Truth is, we never did, but at leastRead More The post Legacy Media – A Corrupt Pillar of Treason – ITEL PT – 11.12.20 first appeared on Inside the Eye - Live!.
