Inquisitive Minds Podcast

Inquisitive Minds Podcast

Latest Episodes

Tricking the Brain to Believe the Unbelievable
June 30, 2014

The Mind-Body connection is best understood through the lens of neuroscience. This week on the Inquisitive Minds Podcast, we discuss how brain damage clearly affects the mind and one's perception and relationship to self, others, time, space, and environm

Mind / Body Dualism as a Leap of Faith
June 23, 2014

Embracing a Mind / Body dualism requires a leap of faith or a dose of magical thinking since one cannot explain how immateriality interacts with the physical world. But many people, nevertheless, hold onto such an illusion. For example, this is why some t

Mind, Body, and Culture: How People Believe in the Afterlife
June 16, 2014

In this week's episode, we ask: How do people believe in the afterlife? It is an established fact that a person's culture and worldview shape their belief system and provides the language necessary to interpret and narrate cognitive experiences. Neuroscie

Near Death Experiences and Belief in the Afterlife
June 09, 2014

The growing fascination with near death experiences (NDE) and out-of-body experiences (OBE) have people believe that such "experiences" are proofs of the afterlife. But are stories of NDEs and ODEs sufficient evidence for believing in the existence of sou

“Gnosticism” and Religious Rivalries in Early Christianity (Part 2)
June 02, 2014

This week on the Inquisitive Minds Podcast (episode 12), we are concluding our discussion on "Gnosticism". In this podcast, we will see how scholars have been defining "Gnosticism", to the point where some would argue for dismantling the entire category.

“Gnosticism” and Religious Rivalries in Early Christianity (Part 1)
May 26, 2014

In the past few years, scholars of early Christian history have sharply disagreed on whether or not Gnosticism is a valid category to describe the diversity of early Christian beliefs and practices. As we now know, early Christianity was not a monolithic

Ending Biblical Studies As We Know It (Pt 5)
May 19, 2014

In this last podcast dedicated to Hector Avalos' book, The End of Biblical Studies, we examine the final three chapters (7-10) which look at the role academia, learned societies, and the media play in promoting the idea that the Bible is still relevant to

Ending Biblical Studies As We Know It (Pt 4)
May 12, 2014

This is the fourth installment of our discussion of Hector Avalos' book The End of Biblical Studies. This week we focus on the chapters dealing with Literary Criticism (Ch. 5) and Biblical Theology (Ch. 6). Dr. Avalos rightly remarks that, "literary aesth

Ending Biblical Studies As We Know It (Pt 3)
May 10, 2014

This is our third episode dedicated to Hector Avalos' book The End of Biblical Studies. In chapter 3, Prof. Avalos discusses History and Archaeology and remarks that, "at the heart of the entire debate about whether one can write a history of ancient Is

Ending Biblical Studies As We Know It (Pt 2)
May 10, 2014

This week we are continuing our discussion of Hector Avalos', The End of Biblical Studies. We will examine his chapters on Translation and Textual Criticism. Speaking of biblical translation, Prof. Avalos says that "the Bible is best maintained by using t
