Inquisitive Minds Podcast

Inquisitive Minds Podcast

Group Privileging and Salvation: Violence and the Hebrew Bible

November 10, 2014

This week on the Inquisitive Minds Podcast, we discuss two other scarce resources created by religion and mentioned in Hector Avalos’ book Fighting Words: (1) Group Privileging and (2) Salvation. The Hebrew Bible promotes the idea that Israel was specifically chosen by God and they were not to mix with other nations. Salvation was also reserved for people who belonged to the group and adhered to its laws and rituals. As with inscripturation and sacred space, group privileging and salvation create violence since religious groups believe they are the chosen ones who have the knowledge to the path of salvation. We will also see how some scholars will try to minimize violence in the Hebrew Bible by referring to what they call the “Greater Good†theory. As of today, we are pleased to welcome Calogero Miceli as co-host on the podcast; his insight and comments will be greatly appreciated. [...]
