Inquisitive Minds Podcast

Inquisitive Minds Podcast

Theories of Religious Violence

October 27, 2014

As we journey through Dr. Avalos’ book, Fighting Words, we explore the many theories that scholars use to explain the causes of Religious Violence. The relationship between religion and violent actions is quite complex. An interdisciplinary approach which takes into account evolutionary, biological, psychological, sociological, and anthropological explanation is necessary to get a better sense of why religion can sometimes be at the root of violence. All these various multidisciplinary insights can be found in Avalos’ scarce resource theory. Religions potentially incite to violence when they create scarce resources, and scarcities generated by religion require only belief in them in order for such scarcities to exist. If one doubts the premises on which religions are founded, then scarce resources are simply illusory. There are four scarce resources identified by Dr. Avalos: (1) Inscripturation, (2) Sacred Space, (3) Group Privileging, and (4) Salvation.
