Inquisitive Minds Podcast

Inquisitive Minds Podcast

Religious Violence and the Critique of Bad Ideas

October 20, 2014

This week on the Inquisitive Minds Podcast, we analyse Hector Avalos’ book Fighting Words. The Origins of Religious Violence in light of the recent clash between Ben Affleck and Sam Harris on Real Time with Bill Maher (see clip here). The question was whether or not one can critique religion, especially when it promotes bad ideas. Believing that one’s religion holds the truth over all others will inevitably lead to conflict. Some see religious pluralism as a way out of this impasse, but according to Avalos, religious pluralism can be good only if it is subservient to secular humanist values. It is truly the only way to bring about non-violent global peace. But how do we contend with the fact that religions often oppose secular humanism’s view of the world? Can we truly reconcile religious pluralism and secular humanism? We tackle t [...]
