Innovations in Patient Care

Innovations in Patient Care

Siren Use and Traditional EMS Operations Challenged by MONOC EMS Service

June 15, 2014

MedicCast host Jamie Davis, the Podmedic is joined at EMS Today by Peter Dworsky, MPH, CBRM, NREMT-P, Corporate Director, and Scott Matin, MBA, NREMT-P, Vice President from MONOC (N.J.) Mobile Health Services. Dworsky and Matin conducted an original experiment and developed a powerful, educational video outlining the misconceptions and dangers of emergency siren use.

Jamie learns how they set up and conducted their unique experiment on ambulance siren use and also what changes were implemented in their EMS service following the outcome of the experiment. These types of experiments in emergency medical services will continue to challenge the preconceived notions we hold about age-old traditional operational procedures like how sirens and lights are perceived by others sharing the roads with us.

Thanks to EMS Today, JEMS, Physio-Control and PennWell for sponsoring our podcast studio at EMS Today and allowing us to bring you the excellent segments like this one from this event.

Stay tuned here to the Innovations in Patient Care podcast to check out the very best in EMS and hospital care. I’ll be bringing you all of the EMS 10 Awardees over the coming months here on the show.

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