Innovations in Patient Care

Innovations in Patient Care

Best of CES Innovations in Patient Care part 2

January 31, 2014

This week on Innovations in Patient Care, I bring you two more segments recorded at the International CES conference in Las Vegas. They have a big digital health summit there and guest host Chris Montera interviewed several innovative companies there with new consumer health focused products and services.

Two Company’s Improving Patient Care with Tech

First off is an interview Chris did with Asthma management company Isonea. They’ve developed an app that helps asthma sufferers manage and track their attacks using their smartphone device.

Next up is an interview with the folks from the Vision Council. They are a group representing eye health professionals that is this year focusing on the importance of reducing eye-strain related injury from our ever-increasing use of computer screen. Here’s that segment with Chris in the Vision Council booth at CES 2014.

You can find more of our coverage of the Digital Health Pavilion over at the Health Tech Weekly video podcast available at We’ll be releasing segments from CES 2014 every week for several months to come.

Thanks to Physio-Control

That is going to wrap of this segment and episode of Innovations in Patient Care. Stay tuned for more segments from the top health care, EMS and nursing conferences this year as we continue to focus on ways that healthcare professionals just like you are providing innovative care and improving patient outcomes all the time.

Thanks again to Physio-Control for sponsoring this and other episodes of Innovations in Patient Care. Make sure you say thank you to them on Facebook or Twitter for helping me bring you some of the best in health care innovators every year.

I’m your host, Jamie Davis, the Podmedic. You can check out my other shows in the iTunes directory or at I’ll be back soon with more from Innovations in Patient Care. In the meantime, stay safe and stay tuned here to Innovations in Patient Care.
