Innovations in Patient Care

Innovations in Patient Care

Veterans With PTSD Need Careful EMS Handling

July 31, 2015

At the EMS Today conference in Baltimore this past month, some truly amazing speakers addressed the crowds of EMS providers there. I got the chance to interview Dean Pedrotti, Fire Captain with the Phoenix Fire Department. Dean co-presented at EMS Today 2015 along with Thomas Winkel of the Arizona Coalition for Military Families on the topic of returning veterans and PTSD and traumatic brain injury. He wants EMS providers to be more aware of the challenges of managing these patients when we encounter them and to help them find community resources to get the help they need.

Veterans of the recent wars and conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq and other areas of the world are at particular risk for mental health issues related to their service. EMS providers like EMTs and paramedics can educate themselves on how to recognize the signs and symptoms of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) in their patients.  Check it out.

You can access the training using the instructions below:

Go to:
Click on the Tab “Situation Awareness”
Select one of the three modules in the series….”Vets In Crisis,” “Transition Home” or “Caregiver Tips”

That is going to wrap of this segment and episode of Innovations in Patient Care. Stay tuned for more segments from the top health care, EMS and nursing conferences this year as we continue to focus on ways that healthcare professionals just like you are providing innovative care and improving patient outcomes all the time.

Thanks again to Physio-Control for sponsoring this and other episodes of Innovations in Patient Care. Make sure you say thank you to them.

