Shows – InLight Universal

Shows – InLight Universal

Heavenly Blessings ~ Archangel Gabrielle: Becoming Clearer Channels & Communicators

January 17, 2017

January 17, 2017 ~ Suzanne Maresca and Linda Dillon welcome Archangel Gabrielle to the show today to discuss what’s actually occurring during any channeling process.
Our guest reminds us that Archangels have responsibilities, too.  Nothing is more joyous to them than serving The One.  Our communication skills are being sharpened as a collective, and that is what channeling truly is…telepathic communication.
Gabrielle pointed out that our words carry power and that we need to be mindful and clear on what it is that we’re asking for.
Tune in for a lovely exchange around our innate abilities to both listen and hear as well as speak with our friends in the rafters.
Heavenly Blessings is a show in which we join with the Council of Love to share gifts, blessings, stories and insights through meditation, channeling and conversation. This show aims to assist individuals on their individual journey and also to build support and mutuality with the inhabitants of earth, the higher realms, and with our star brothers and sisters. Produced by Paul Backes.
Music: Sasha Lazard, Angeli and Snatam Kaur, Long Time Sun
Linda’s website ~
For those who wish to support our efforts with a donation ~
Heavenly Blessings airs on alternate Tuesdays no later than Noon E.T.
