infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

ipt ep #63 John Corcoran

January 06, 2014

Speaking with John Corcoran of you can understand why he has been successful.  A natural born story teller and communicator, John shares lessons and learnings throughout our conversation.  Having worked as a writer in the Clinton White House, then onto the entertainment industry in Hollywood, and Silicon Valley, John is now a successful entrepreneur and runs a boutique law firm.

During my conversation with John, he was constantly sharing top tips and advice based on his own experiences as well as lessons learned from the very successful people he has surrounded himself with over the years.  What was the foundation of the success strategies?  Relationships.

John and I talk about finding your strength, your style and your voice.  You will learn how many things he wanted to be when he grew up, but also the moment that he made decision and moved from drawing to writing.

We discuss the need to focus.  It is a noisy world out there and it is full of "content".  It is very easy to move through the various social media sites, to forums, to groups etc and try to be everywhere.  Often we will be in consumption mode, just taking in the information that we are seeing or hearing.  By spreading yourself too thin, you are not getting any benefit from being a member of these groups or sites, and you certainly are not giving any value.  It may be worth looking at the time you spend, what you do with your time and ask yourself - "what do I get from this and what do I give to this?" and see what the results are.

This brings me to the final point.  John Corcoran points out the benefits and impact of "engaging".  Become a key member and a key contributor within the groups that you have selected to join.  Connect, comment, reach out, create relationships, introduce people, share content.

John shares a great story and has written about this in a great blog - Stop wasting time on social media.  Take a few minutes and read it.  When you have, let me know if you were nodding your head throughout (I know I was).

If you want to know more about John Corcoran then you can head over to his website, in fact he has kindly set up a page specifically for you to access his free e-book on How to Build Relationships with VIP's by clicking

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