infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

ipt ep #59 Philip Merry

December 05, 2013

My guest today is Philip Merry of and the Global Leadership Academy.  We have a wonderful discussion that start with the pivotal moments that have seen Philip leave his previous role as a family counsellor and set out on adventures and new locations.

Philip highlights the lessons that he has learnt and the programs that he has developed throughout the years as he has travelled the world and worked with numerous companies and organisations.  It has certainly given Philip a fantastic insight into not only the alignment of Leadership, Management and Supervising, but the impact of culture.

This is not  standard conversation about learning and development and training as Philip explains his current research and study of synchronicity and how it has created an environment of luck for him, presenting the right people and opportunities at the right time.

If you would like to connect with Philip Merry then make sure you head over to the website and learn more.  You can also email Philip direct using and let him know you heard it here on the podcast, especially if you are interested in getting involved in his research on synchronicity.

If you like the show it will mean a lot to me and my guests if you would tweet that you are listening.
