infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

ipt ep #58 Du'aine Ladejo

November 29, 2013

Du'aine Ladejo talks with Alan Fawcett about his time as a World Class Athlete and making the transition from competition to another passion of his, Media production.  However, this is a not a conversation about training regimes and the sacrifices required to make it to the top.  It is about mindset, it is about making a difference, it is about making growth, improvement and progress in whatever area you have a connection with and a passion for.  Du'aine shares the lessons he has learned and the connections that he has made and what it takes to make a great coach.


I recently posted a picture and quote of Bruce Lee on the infinite pie Facebook wall, that said "Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, Add what is uniquely your own".  It feels to me that whether t is athletics, coaching, tv and media production or living his best life, Du'aine Ladejo lives this quote on a daily basis.

What do you think?

If you want to connect with Du'aine Ladejo, then you can head over to the website, follow him on twitter @duaineladejo400, or Facebook and keep an eye out for the website for the Fittest Athlete which is coming soon.

If you have enjoyed hearing Du'aine's story and would like to hear more then check out our infinite pie thinkers page that summarises all of the previous guests on the show.   Let us know what you think and make sure you create connections that count.
