infinite pie connection podcast

infinite pie connection podcast

ipt ep #57 Bryan Neale

November 26, 2013

In this episode of the podcast, Alan Fawcett talks with Bryan Neale one of the hosts of the Advanced Selling Podcast.  Bryan shares the pivotal moments and people that he has learned lessons from and have helped shape his way of thinking.  We talk mindsets, "inner game", coaching and communication but Bryan is not prepared to quote Shakespeare - listen in to hear why.

Bryan Neale gives some great actionable advice throughout this conversation and I know that I for one will be looking at the notes that I have taken and the difference I can now make.  Let me know what you have taken from it and how you will apply it.

If you would like to connect with Bryan Neale then you can connect with him on LinkedIn using the  Bryan Neale link (and mention that you heard him via Alan Fawcett or the infinite pie connection podcast), join the Advanced Selling podcast group on LinkedIn or you can email him using

If you have enjoyed this episode, then why not check out some of the previous infinite pie thinkers who have shared their stories on the show.  Of course if you have a story to share or want to give some ideas and feedback then get in touch.
