

InDurance - Interview with top UK duathlete Lee Piercy

January 01, 2016

Episode 3 is an interview type format and we are talking with Lee Piercy, a home grown but US based duathlete who is know as the athlete who has won more than 100 duathlons and several successive national titles. He has achieved phenomenal success having been at the pinnacle of the sport for 17 years when it first began as very much a fringe sport.
Since moving out to California in early 2015 it has been a fantastic season having won a bronze medal in the World Duathlon Champs, Bronze in the Powerman USA pro race and won Powerman Arizona earlier this year. Lee has achieved this success following a pragmatic but structured recovery from chronic fatigue based health issues despite the odds of never reaching pre-illness levels of form, and in fact has surpassed and exceeded those expectations prior , and this is the main reason we are so keen to capture some insights from Lee’s career and recovery. Lee has been a frequent user of blood profiling and testing particularly at InDurance in order to monitor his own recovery and optimisation of nutrition and rest, and has been experiencing the benefits and insights for many years before this became a mainstream health tool.
The interview is a wonderful insight in what its like to be a professional level AG athlete, and a real masterclass in how to manage a high pressure job, ward off illness and exhaustion and be great father and husband too. Lee is a fascinating and articulate speaker and clearly demonstrates his intelligence on smart training, rest and diet - nevertheless the interview throws up also many surprises and revelations and i believe this will be something very fascinating to athletes and health conscious listeners who can be confident they can aim for success and achieve goals but a modest volume of intelligent training, structured rest and high quality nutrition.
