The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

BTS037, Writing to Market, Book Formatting Services and Hiring an Alpha Reader on Fiverr

February 03, 2021

After much deliberation, I come to terms with my struggles with the notion of whether I should continue to write more books in the James Lalonde series. Which leads me to announce that I'm letting myself write another series in a different sub-genre alongside writing the James Lalonde series. I guess the short version of that is I'm writing to market. Yay! In other news, I've had another ah-ha moment about my first book, and that moment has led to another change to my story. It was another one of those decisions I'd been struggling with because I enjoyed writing the book so much. This month, I added an income stream to my author business, and I discuss the steps I took to create the service. While we're on the topic of business-related things, I hired a great alpha reader from the most unlikely of places.

So stay tuned for all of this and much more.

Podcasts, Books, and Tools Mentioned

Check Out the Show Notes

Entitled to Murder on my blog

Entitled to Murder on Wattpad


Story Origin

Try The Formatting Wizard Book Formatting Services for FREE **

The Formatting Templates offered by my services. **

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My Books

My Novella, Missing

My Short Story, the Lawn

Become a Beta Reader and Start Reading Duplicity


Connect with Me on Social Media

Twitter: @WriterADHay


FB group: The Authorpreneur Podcast Community

Instagram: @authorpreneurpodcast





* This is an affiliate link where I receive a very small commission if you purchase this product.

** This is a services offered by me
