Improv Obsession - Conversations About Improvising Better

Improv Obsession - Conversations About Improvising Better

49: Jessica Allen Eason

July 01, 2013

Jessica Allen Eason is on the show! You know her from Neutrino and Ms. Jackson. Jessica and I talk about her roots in musical theatre and her desire to be a lusted after leading lady. She also tells me about learning improv from the great Paul Sills. Jessica also tells me about how she asserted herself as a formidable improviser when she first showed up for classes at UCB. Also, I pretend to know what she’s talking when Jessica brings up a bunch of actors and plays. Rate. Subscribe. Comment. Enjoy. YOLO.

Show Plugs for Me:

Saturday July 6th 8:00 PM Brandon and Stephen at the Neon Venus

Sunday July 7th 10:00 PM Brandon and Stephen at the Neon Venus

Friday July 26th 7:00 PM Brandon and Stephen at the Neon Venus

Friday July 26th 8:00 PM Brandon and Stephen at the Neon Venus

Sunday July 28th 10:30 PM Dumbshit Mountain Best of Show at iO West Mainstage
