Impolite Conversation: Religion and Politics

Impolite Conversation: Religion and Politics

#65: What Is Religion, Anyway? What Is Politics?

January 05, 2021

After five-plus years of talking about the intersection of religion and politics, this month we step back and actually try to define our terms, with the help of our old friend Courtney Bruntz. And in our year-ending One Last Thing, Dan reaches for a hopeful note and Tim gives up on humanity.

Some of the things we talked about this month:

Dan and Courtney discussed definitions of religion by Schliermacher, Durkheim, Freud, Ninian Smart, and Stephen Prothero.

Dan mentioned this article by Kathryn Loughton.

Courtney discussed this new book by Richard Jaffee.

Tim's six-word definition of religion comes from this book by Harold Lasswell.

Dan's year-ending One Last Thing was the podcast Office Ladies.

Tim's year-ending One Last Thing was the film God's Not Dead.


Happy New Year! Thanks for listening in 2020.


0:00-1:33: Introduction

1:37-43:00: Conversation with Dr. Bruntz

43:04-47:16: Dan's OLT

47:17-49:57: Tim's OLT

49:58-51:03: Credits

51:07-51:19: Outtake
