The I'm Giving Notice Podcast with Mace Horoff

The I'm Giving Notice Podcast with Mace Horoff

Dr. Margarita Gurri: The Power of a Red Shoe Attitude

February 12, 2015

Margarita Gurri, PhD, CSP is a category-busting Motivational Humorist tackling life’s messiness with humor and a lifetime of practical wisdom gleaned from over thirty years of consulting with individuals, corporations, governments, athletes, and all branches of our U.S. Military. She playfully and skillfully uses therapeutic humor to heal and energize individuals, systems, and teams. Affectionately referred to as “the Red Shoe Lady,” “Do-over Diva,” “Uh-oh Queen,” and “Crisis Coach,” Dr. Margarita Gurri, is relied upon when discretion and swift thoughtful action can save the day.
Specifically, in this episode you will learn:

The Red Shoe Attitude
How the Big Red Couch is a lesson for mindfulness
The difference between a job and a career
How consider either passion or a lack of passion in your work
How to invite excellence into your life
How we sink ourselves by not setting the right goals
How anger can give you the opportunity to be the best version of yourself
How to harness fear and anger
How bringing little bits of joy into your day have a big impact
The definition of emotional maturity
How each of us is the bully, the victim, and the hero
Polite shut-ups

Favorite Quotes:
I wouldn't have to hit you if you weren't so annoying (you'll hear the story that goes along with it). -Margarita's daughter (who was 5 y.o. when she said it)
 Links and resources mentioned in this episode:
Contact Dr. Gurri: 954-609-9904
Twitter @RedShoeInst
Book: Anglican Prayer Beads: Prayer for Joyful Journeys by Dr. Margarita Gurri
Book: Trilogy of Anger: Communication Aikido: Take Back Your Power with Boundaries, Expectations and Skill by Dr. Margarita Gurri

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